Synopsis: Twenty-eight-year-old Simon Naulty is the front man and songwriter for heavy metal band Putrescent Seepage and alternative folk band Dark Green Skeletons. As live music in Melbourne comes to screeching halt during the height of COVID-19, he begins working as a laborer. Unfortunately for Simon things take a turn for the worst. Simon was involved in a workplace accident that has left him injured, bored and alone. The Sound of Broken Music is a 4-minute documentary which depicts Simon’s traumatic experience getting back into playing music.
The Sound of Broken Music
Featuring Simon Naulty
A film by Stephanie Savage
Archive footage and photographs
Simon Naulty’s personal collection
Composed by Putrescent Seepage
‘Raisin Toast’
Composed by Dark Green Skeletons
Composed by Dark Green Skeletons
‘Dark Element 1’
Composed by Epidemic Sound
‘Construction Site 2’
Composed by Epidemic Sound
With thanks to
Paul Ritchard and Adam Farrington-Williams for their invaluable criticism
Supervising Producer
Rohan Spong
Created as part of
Real to Reel studio
School of Media and Communication