© 2013 shavonisapolu


Just the other night, I was having a conversation with a good friend of mine. We were discussing the issue of privacy within today’s day and age. Everything is so open. Type any name into google and I’m sure you could dig up a whole file worth of information about them. I was, sadly, brought back to Networked Media and the idea of design fiction when my friend commented,

“I feel like we are always being watched. There are camera’s here, there and everywhere! I wouldn’t be surprised if one day someone invented a camera that could be disguised as a pair of glasses or contact lenses…”

What about an eyeball?

Filmmaker Rob Spence lost one of his eyes in an accident as a child; replacing it with a glass-concealed video camera. Interestingly, he remarked of such innovation as something that would become socially common; much like design fiction. He stated, “People are going to have the option of having superior arms, superior eyes at some point… [They] say no one would ever cut off their own arm and replace it, but if the technology gets there — and it looks like it will — people will think about it.”

If that doesn’t constitute as Design Fiction, I don’t know what does.

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