No Apathy, No.


Lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern.

Greek apatheia, from apathēs ‘without feeling’, from a-‘without’ + pathos ‘suffering’.

Jane Goodall – “The best way to overcome apathy is to actually take some action, to throw yourself into making a difference.”

It’s so hard to find yourself a cause to support whole heartedly. For some, there is no such difficulty, but for me … there are so many things that need support I become overwhelmed and can’t find a place to start let alone pledge my allegiance to and follow faithfully with longevity.

I can’t even seem to get behind the things i “have” to do, “must” do. Uni? pffffft. Work? pfffft… but i don’t want to get fired, money is to high of a commodity to go without. Chores? pfffft. Clean? pfffffffffffffffft!!!!!!

There comes then the issue of motivation, what motivates you?
– a desire to save/preserve?
– financial gain?
– to nurture or guide?
– to educate?
– the ‘greater good’?
– social/environmental conscience?

I’m trying desperately to find what motivates me and so far all i recognise is a desire for constant change.
I started a new job and introduced yoga into my life… the next in a series of many extracurriculars in an attempt to find one that sticks.

So constant change until I find stability?

I want to go to Peru.



If I can’t even figure out what i’m thinking… why would I want to share it… let alone online… in the public sphere?

Well there’s a vain hope someone out “there” might be able to help.


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