Editing of expert acts

For the editing of my groups two ‘expert acts’ I took two slightly different approaches. For the first activity, making a paper plane, I essentially tried to provide adequate coverage of the process, choosing the most appropriate angle for the different stages. Firstly, the plane maker is introduced through a wide shot, showing them sitting at a bench with a piece of paper. He is then shown to make the first fold of the paper, indicating that he is about to make something with the paper. We then cut to an over the shoulder close up of the paper. This is where the majority of the making is shown, as it is the closest shot where the process can be seen in the most detail. The next cut is to another wide shot, this time side on to the maker. The purpose of this shot is to view him flying the plane, so only the last fold is seen from this angle before he turns around to throw it.

The second expert act was the spinning/flicking of a pen. This is obviously a much shorter activity, so I felt I had to adjust my editing accordingly. Rather than cover the spinning of the pen in full from three different angles, I chose to make cuts mid-spin. This, I feel, gives the clip a fun sense of rhythm that might otherwise not have been there.

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