Studio – Monday 13th April

This week’s studio saw some significant modifications to the project three assessment. We were initially shown a video in which Booth explained the difference in results between students who were asked to make one final piece and students who were asked to make a certain amount of pieces. This competition between quality and quantity saw the students who made the large amount of work, end up creating the better single piece, as they could constantly try new ideas and methods, rather than tying themselves down to the one thing. In relation to project three, it was decided that our task is essentially to make as many sketches as we can, based on any criteria – 14 sketches getting us an A.

To me, this change is very comforting and I definitely feel it will result in more useful and confident work. The ideas explored by Booth were some that I had never really considered, and I perhaps would’ve even sided with the ‘one final piece’ method prior to watching the video. But now, having watched it, I side entirely with Booth’s argument.

I feel the positive results of these modifications are already evident, as we found ourselves making a large and rough list of over 20 sketches – some good, some maybe not so good – without feeling any real pressure on the results. While I wasn’t absolutely against the previous assessment outline, I am now far more i support and excited to see what we can produce.

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