omg html!

when i think about html i’m transported back to year 5. this was the year i first got myspace (i know, i know, extinct now) and realised that i was a severe aesthetic perfectionist.
i can vividly recall hating every single theme available to download and install on our profile, and so, i taught myself how to manipulate html to make my myspace profile “hella” pretty. i recall spending hours upon hours centring, adjusting, comparing different combinations of codes till it was just right. it even got to the point where my friends asked me to do their myspace layouts.

yes, you may call me the myspace queen.

either way, i think it’s interesting how, in this day and age, with every single aspect of modern technology being tipped on its axis, evolving and becoming socially unacceptable, html code is one thing that has remained a constant. the importance for it and how it functions and how to use it have not changed at all. maybe the technology that assists us in creating such html has evolved, but when you break it down to the basics, it’s all still the same. i think that’s pretty cool; it’s nice having a technological constant for once.

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