Contribution to the studio presentation

A couple of weeks ago, we as a class divided ourselves into different groups, to help out in the various areas that would eventually lead up to our final studio presentation. I chose to help out in the Website team.

After receiving the list of things that had to be done from our team leader, Olivia, I set out to complete them. We had to upload our video; provide cast and crew information; write out the synopsis; etc. After speaking with my groupmates aboutĀ getting those things done, I also edited the trailer, got approval from my groupmates, and sent it over to Brendan on Friday, the 3rd of June.

I emailed the Website team later in the week, asking if there was anything that had to be done for the Website itself, but it seems that it was pretty much settled and the only thing Olivia needed from us was to push our individual groups to submit the content as soon as possible, so that the Website could be up and running.

Above is the trailer I edited forĀ Let Us Play.

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