From a different perspective

Form over content! That’s what we’ve been reminded to do.

It is natural to get so caught up with a video’s content such that we forget to first deconstruct it and think about it in a different manner, and from different perspectives.

As we were in class today watching the final few presentations for Project Two, I began to further look into online video and how it possesses many functions that we may not yet realise. For instance, one of the presentations talked about how Vines give people the opportunity to better their creativity by constraining videos within a six-second limitation.

I find it quite fascinating, how Vine has managed to receive such tremendous support over the years. I mean, it’s pretty challenging to create an entertaining video within six seconds! I’ve come to learn that established artists work in very constrained situations, and this produces interesting responses. Vine has proven itself effective as a social media platform and its constant upgrades just goes to show that it will stay around for a while longer.

Apart from that, I have also come to realise the important of background music. Yes, I have always found it an essential element in most videos, but now I’m really beginning to look at it as something that has the ability to change a video’s feel or cinematic atmosphere. It’s probably something that I might want to explore over the next project we work on.

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