Sketch #9: Brand loyalty and the decision-making process

Based on the two videos shown, which do you feel was better?

When we watch video reviews, we are – be it consciously or unconsciously – looking to find something that would help us come upon a decision. Whether it is to help us see what is currently best in the market, or to decide what better caters to us, or simply to find out just how good a product is, we would often be left with something to think about.

Seeing as how a majority of people are iPhone users, we wanted to see and evaluate the reaction towards the comparison videos we came up with. For this sketch, we decided to test the back cameras of the Samsung S3 and iPhone 5s. Both are decent models in the Android and Apple market respectively, and we wanted to see how their videos functions would play out in equal conditions.

The first part of the clip gives you an idea of the audio quality on both phones. The second part features a close-up shot of a watch (both phones were placed at an equal distance away from the object). The clip then ends by zooming into a scene, showcasing its colours and clarity. From the test we did above, we found that the Samsung did a significantly better job.

So, despite knowing that Android phones have better video capabilities, would one continue to stay loyal to their current brand (if it is an iPhone) or would they consider changing to something else? Although we only experimented with the phones’ video functions, but this is something that we found interesting; how video reviews have the power to test and influence a viewer’s mindset.

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