Short Film Ideas – The Prohibition

Melbourne has an extremely large ‘coffee culture’ with cafes on every street serving a vast variety and strains of coffee.  So what would happen if for some reason coffee was banned in Melbourne? Much like a prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s. I propose to create a short film which follows a melbourne hipster/self-confessed coffee adict and his struggles to obtain a cup of coffee in a city where it has been outlawed.

For example:

Scene 1: The man awakens to his alarm playing the morning news in which the reporter is commenting on the prohibition of Melbourne is causing more and more people not showing up to work. (This is somewhat a documentary style implemented into a fiction film). Man struggles to get out of bed and walks to his kitchen, where he walks past his TV which is also reporting on the coffee prohibition. Opens and cupboard and realises that his stash of Coffee is gone and curses loudly.

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