Everyday Media

An everyday blog about media by everyday blogger Louise Alice Wilson.

Month: August 2016

Reflection On Video Portrait

The collaborative process between me and Claire Bridge has been good so far. Upon finding out her email address we had a brief email exchange culminating in me sending her a list of potential questions for the interview. Claire quite liked a lot of the questions, but overall there were too many, so we proceeded to reduce the number of questions to six main questions. These questions would then form the basis of the artist portrait, with an attempt to limit answers to no more than a minute, so little had to be cut for the final edit. The six questions we arrived at are as follows:

  1. How would you define creativity?
  2. What does it mean to you to be an artist?
  3. Do you feel a painting or piece of art can house an energy/a feeling from the original artist? Do you feel that your own works house this energy?
  4. Change and transformation are recurrent themes in your work. What are you exploring and why do these fascinate you? And recently we saw a change in your medium too, incorporating video works and photography.
  5. You seem to draw on many influences in your work, from quantum physics, astrophysics, to environmental ecology, psychology, philosophy and metaphysics. With titles like “Dark Matter”, “Touching Infinity”, “We are made of Stars”, “Rising tides” and “A drop in the ocean” or “Alchemy”. Can you tell us something more about the convergence of these ideas and influences?
  6. What continues to motivate and inspire you as an artist?

We both felt these questions addressed the initial topic of exploring creativity, explored why Claire became an artist, gives insight into Claire’s work and practise and looks toward the future of Claire’s practice. After refining the questions, we proceeded to organise a day to film, which will be on the 16th September. Hopefully if all goes well we will both have an artist portrait that lives up to our expectations.


Catch you later,

Louise Alice Wilson

Contacting Our Artists

This week was an exciting week as this week we got given the artists that we would be working with on our project. As soon as I found out who my artist was I began looking at her website and various places online that house her work. I was actually quite surprised to receive an artist like Claire Bridge, I’d never really thought that I’d receive a traditional realist painter. I run an online art blog, where I post random works of art that I really love and looking back over my archive it’s rare that I ever post any traditional realist works, so it was refreshing to learn about a style of art I didn’t know much about.


I spent a lot of time looking over her work and reading into traditional realism. Although Claire is a traditional realist painter she does mix this traditional mastery with more modern practises such as distorted figures, abstract backgrounds and a diverse array of colours. I decided to send Claire a brief email just letting her know who I am and that I’d be working on this project with her. I also then wrote up a list of questions for Claire that she could look over and refine for our artist portrait. So far I’m pretty excited to begin work on the project and hope that Claire and I can create something that we both really love.


Catch you later,

Louise Alice Wilson

Street Art

This week we were organised into groups and tasked with creating a street art video. I was put with Jasmijn and Dusty and the three of us headed off with our massive camera to go film some notorious street art laden alleyways around Melbourne. Filming the laneways was much harder than expected, as we didn’t realise how busy they actually get, it was almost impossible to get shots of the art without having people covering the frame. We decided to walk down a little alley off the main alley and we happened to catch a dude putting a piece. The dude happily let us film him as long as we didn’t get any shots of his face or his side, just sticking with shots of him from behind. It was cool to get to see art in motion and to be able to capture that on film.


Because I wasn’t that happy with the shots of the street art that we got and I know Melbourne has some really great street art to offer I decided to do extra filming by myself. I walked around my local area in Thornbury and managed to find some great pieces and also headed down to Collingwood as that place is literally covered in street art. It was kind of cool to walk around streets that you know super well and to look at them in a different light. Walking down different streets and alleys, keeping an eye out for a great piece of work. Overall I had a lot of fun with the project and I personally love street art so this project was a combination of two of my favourite things.


Catch you later,
Louise Alice Wilson

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