Media 6, week 2 reading log

Media 6, week 2 reading log

 The reading A World of Differences mainly focuses on the changing entertainment & market industry. And the biggest shifts are occurring in five dimensions of the global E&M landscape: demography, competition, consumption, geography, and business models.

According to this article, the demographic data shows that younger people consume more media than old people, they are easily create profits for media industry. And as Chris asserts youth will propel E&M growth through 2020. I think it is a reasonable prediction, because as we can see in society the majority of young people are open to adapt new technology, and more efficiently to leverage the different types of media. So for the media workers, they have to understand the needs and hobby for spending media on digital content.

However, the interesting question for me is: will the older consumers feel alienate by pushing new technology to hard? For example, there are lots of young people might feel gaps between them to their parents or grandparents. Whereas, this problem can be slightly lighten by companies and people. For instance, the companies are able to consider the needs of old people, and write a clear and simple instruction for them. Also, as a younger people, it is good to be patient when we teaching old people how to spend new media technology.

Chris Lederer & Megan Brownlow, ‘’A World of Differences’: Special Report: Global Entertainment & Media Outlook 2016-2020’. Price Waterhouse Cooper

Media 6, Week 1 reading log

Klaus Schwab, 2016, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum), pp.14-26, 47-50, 67-73, 91-104

 Klaus Schwab mainly states the coming Fourth Industrial Revolution. He uses three clusters to show the megatrends of this revolution, which are Physicals, Biological and digital. The physicals megatrends such as autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, advanced robotics, new materials look quiet interesting and attractive for me. Autonomous vehicles definitely provide more possibility for transport, and probably reduce the high stress of modern transport. The widely usage of advanced robots in future might change the labour market, especially for the factory, service industry. However, is it possible that people will become lazier because of robots? I don’t have a precise answer.

Biological megatrend- Genetics are really meaningful and significant, it benefits for the treatment of cancer and heart disease. Bioprinting, 3D manufacturing combined with gene editing to produce living tissues.

As Klaus discussed the bridge between physicals and digital application is “the internet of things”. Through this form, the things and people is made possible by connected technology and various platforms. For example, the different platforms became easier and faster for people to use in smart phone. Personally, I am interested in VR technology, this technology not only being used in architecture, game, also it being attributed to media industry, such as the VR film. People might don’t have go to cinema, they can use VR technology to watch the clear and vivid scenes.

Then, Klaus states the role of government, society and individuals in the revolution. I really agree his opinion that ‘government in collaboration with civil society and business need to create rules, checks and balances to maintain justice, competiveness, fairness, inclusive intellectual property, safety and reliability’.(pp 70) For individuals, I feel sometimes, the high technology enables human connection have problem. Anyway, in my perspective, in this accelerated development of society, the ‘appropriate slow’ seems important.