Readings week 1

This weeks readings talk about various methods of learning and observation situations. I learnt that through the purpose of noticing we are able to be impartial in situations and when the time comes to make decisions we won’t be swayed. It is said that in the readings that during discussions or decision making we tend to be more clouded in our choices and thoughts when we already have a structured ideology in mind. It is through noticing,evaluating and reflecting on our ideas that the chances of us making a more appropriate thought or action would seem clearer and make more sense. Now, when we take what we’ve read in the previous reading and then apply it to blogging we realise that what we put out onto the internet is clearly noticed and seen by many worldwide. And this is something that is not within our control. What we can control is, the contents that we put out there onto the world wide web and maybe setting up our spam filter. However, evaluating the contents written before posting it would be a wise option, it is something clearly within our control and can contain.