#First world problems




Since arriving in Australia two years ago, I think I’ve been shut off from the world, without direct information on news in my home country it gets me annoyed sometimes. As much as I love Australia, I find myself seeking online platforms for worldwide news and looking out for what goes on around the world.


I’m in a bubble, so big I can’t seem to be able to pop it.


Alas, comes the help of the internet. But it didn’t help that I just moved into my new apartment and didn’t have any internet connection set up till a month in. We were gasping in desperation to be connected once again to society. We drove to Maccas for free wireless and got excited each and every time we saw a sign that reads “free-wifi” outside the store.


What has become of us? Are we really that desperate for the internet? Do we really feel that desperation to be connected to the world via an online network? We’ve become to dependent on the internet and I don’t know if that’s really a good thing.


Maybe because we’re so far from home or facing the computer screen has developed into a habit. A bad habit at that. It’s scary that there are even counselling services for those with computer games or internet addiction. No one had problems going about their everyday life before the internet came about. But we must not forget that the internet brought about a smaller world. Before the existence, the world seemed huge, everyone was literally trapped in their own bubble, in their own towns and  everyone knew everyone.


But now, as far away as Australia is from the other continents I still have my internet to keep up with times and what goes on in other cities. I want to know that my friends who are overseas are safe and that the economy isn’t affecting my family’s business back home. As much as I hate to admit my “addiction” it is the only way I am connected and networked to the world.


It’s a small world after all


After going through the video recommended by Elliot and also the readings for week 4, to just simply put it – the term six degrees of separation is not something new to me. But i never knew that based on this theory that we were all only separated by 6 people came out further studies on networking and how the brain is synchronised.



But is the world really getting smaller? Is six degrees of separation possible without the aid and advancement of technology?  In fact, many people are being connected straight away because of the internet, the advancements of phones or walkie talkies, any mode of communication which does not require us to travel.


So basically the six degrees of separation has been cut short. In the video, there was an experiment done where people from all over the world are given a parcel to be sent to a professor in harvard, someone they do not even know. So they send the parcel from one to another until it reaches the professor at the end.



Look, If I was given the parcel at this point of time, I’d probably just search for his name and contact details online and send the parcel directly to him. I guess the point of the experiement was to show that we are all literally six people away from each other. But that was not what I saw in the video.



When you claim that we are six people away from each other, shouldn’t the fifth in line know the professor personally? Or is he just the sixth guy who so happens to live in the same city as him? It’s no long about the six degrees of separation but rather the networks that go behind it.



They always say, that networking and socialising is very important, it aids businesses, boosts economies indirectly and even improve bilateral ties between countries.  And i believe the very fact that we are able to connect and be able to network is because technology is bringing the world together. It is the reason why the world is getting smaller.


I love how the whole theory of networking eventually led up to a certain understanding of network with proteins in our cells and maybe one day an evolution. These two are completely different case studies working together. It is amazing to see the concept of networking behind the lines. Whether it is through technology, protein cells or even human social networking. It brings all of us together somehow one way or another.


What can I say? It’s a small world after all.


What blogging has taught me



Doing creative work every single day, over and over and over again, is tough work. Sometimes it feels great, like when dozens of ideas start knocking at your mind’s closed door, waiting to be sent out on a secret mission. Whilst on other days, you just want to quit, bang your big head against a wall or do both while you cry, watch tonnes of chick flicks, and eat tubs and tubs of any type of ice cream.


Blogging has taught me many lessons. First of all, I don’t really like to eat that much ice cream or watch continuous episodes of chick flicks all that much. Second thing to note, is that habits are most definitely the key to success in life. Most of us complain about not having sufficient amount time. The truth is, we do have enough time to do whatever we want, but we’re just not willing to make the sacrifices to do get it done.


Like I said, the discipline of blogging constantly has taught me many lessons. Here are five habits that blogging has taught me about being creative:

1. Do not underestimate the importance of a routine


Creative people can struggle to get work done up. In order to put in the time necessary for my own blog, I’ve had to wake up earlier than I am used to. This has done so much more for me than just simply improving on my blogging. The early hours in the morning seem to be of the most productive for most people.


I also love how Tim Sanders describes the constant need to feed your own mind a good “breakfast.” in the morning.  During these early hours I try to write, read, and try to set up the course for my day.


2. There’s so much more inside of you that’s capable than you think


Sometimes people will ask, how the hell do I keep coming up with solid based material to write or work on. To be plain honest, the more you strive to write, the more creative you will definitely become. Constantly writing on something which you are passionate about or concerns you, and somehow you’ll be taking your writing to a new level as you do it.


You’ll start to see things and opinions from a new perspective as you do it. So, believe me when I say, that there is more inside of you that’s capable than you think. There are many years of creativity in you that will only get deeper through the passage of time.


3. See and seize every moment as it is an opportunity to learn something new


I used to just only live — or rather sort of let life go along while I had a good time. But when you blog constantly, it forces you to look for inspiration all the time and everywhere. Every minor conversation, every movie you watch, even every song, every book, and every damn meal you eat.


The list goes on and on. Learn everywhere and do not forget to keep track of all your different inspirations and ideas. Pen them down on papers or draw them out.


4. Always be open to positive re-enforcements or aka Criticisms


I used to dislike publishing my blog because I was afraid of the negative criticism people think about my blog.  I also feared that people would judge me, think I may too young to voice out an opinion, shallow,naive, or even too simple.


You must never ever allow criticism to defeat you. Otherwise, your ideas will only live in your own mind for yourself.


5. Try not to waste time


If you blog constantly, you realise you will have to be able to sacrifice good things for greater things. I don’t watch TV much because there’s usually a blog post that is pending or needs to be drafted. An idea that needs to be developed.


Blogging trades mindless boring entertainment for creativity and also vision. I’m also able to make a small difference in people’s lives through my writing and that’s what keeps me going.


What lessons has blogging taught you?


My love hate relationship


So here you are standing at the crossroad junction – Which path do you take? What are the endings and outcome you are seeking for? You settle down to think, maybe a good ending would be nice.. but then a different ending would seem more interesting. Hmm should the star crossed lovers die together? Or maybe kill one of them and have the other alone and always finding hope in the stars. You then get frustrated and throws the book away to a corner.


What kind of book is that? You thought to yourself. Who would buy a stupid book with no proper structure to the story and no definite ending? It does gets frustrating when you have to think of how the story goes on your own. Isn’t that why we buy books for? Because we await and anticipate the unknown. We look and explore through the mind and imaginations of the author.


Stories are structured and made linear for a reason, probably because we are taught that or maybe it is just a human’s need for structure in our lives. You need to flow through a book from the start and it needs to make sense and tie the entire story back together in the end. Maybe i’m just conventional. But it doesn’t mean I’m not open to a different way or writing or bringing stories together.


If you’ve watch Christopher Nolan’s production titled, Inception. Let me just tell you that I was literally mindfu*ked and blown away. Pardon the language. But leaving the ending to our imagination and thoughts was pure genius. At the end of the movie we all found ourselves questioning the movie. Was everything just a dream, or did the main lead manage to finish his task and get back to reality to be with his children? I literally had to watch the movie 4 times to somehow convince myself that my own conclusion was the right one.


Changing the structure in texts is a love hate thing. We love something different, something raw and new, yet on the other hand we hate the change. Too much of it makes us uncomfortable and frustrated. There are so many theories to text and writing, and it does prose questions to possiblity of getting things done in different ways. Better ways to encourage creativity and thinking. But is the world ready for that much change? I doubt so. Theories will just be theories, it is something that is required in a educational instituition but not something that currently society will accept just yet.


So, thank you for the suggestions. But i’m going to have turn you down. It’s now time for me to sit down, have a cup of tea while I continue reading my favourite selection of conventionally structured books written and explored by my favourite authors.  😉


Writing about Thought Catalog is extremely hard for me because every time I go to check something on the site I end up reading content for the next hour, or until someone jostles me with a text message. But I will do it, because it’s elegant marketing strategy is intriguing and deserves medal.


If you must know, Thoughtcatalog.com is “a place for relevant and relatable non-fiction and thoughts” according to their own ‘about’ section. The premise is that the contributing writers to Thought Catalog are diverse and self-selecting. It’s writers range from students to established writers, and the written pieces are unlike anything you’ll find in mainstream media.


Thought Catalog is very popular among a mostly young adult age group. The content is relevant to twenty somethings because it is commentary on the underside of indie or hipster culture, and often focuses on twists and qualms relevant to young adults in transition. This is substantiated by the search referrals and hypertexts to the site, which mostly consist of topics like “how do I know I’m crushing on the right person” and “things that drunk people say”. It is most definitely fun, edgy, and as the Huffington Post puts it “illuminating.”



It is a venue for anyone to explore their creativity and writing and also to gain insight into the life of other people. It is through thought catalog that many are inspired and will soon write their own stories to inspire other. It is technically  a form of blogging, except that the blog isn’t yours. Many people pour out stories, dreams, aspirations and advises. That is what makes Though Catalog so beautiful, the fact that so many people are able to talk about anything and everything without boundaries.



Thought catalog helps us to see our lives through the lives of other, and also to help us realise that we are not going through life alone. These are nothing that you can ever get from a magazine or a book. It is a form of expression, the voices of millions of young people around the world. What is Social Media? What are facebook statuses and tweets when there are soulful and inspiring posts up on thought catalog.


Blogging may be something that has already started years ago, but with the decline of social media in recent years, we are able to see where the next trend is heading towards. Give it a shot, Just hop onto the thought catalog site and trust me, you’ll find yourself going posts after posts reading up on and feeling inspired about whimsical tales and the realities of life. All in one simple yet beautiful site and maybe one day you’ll soon write in and inspire others as well.


New age of Confessional Media


For most of us, the idea of sharing the intimacies of our life with a stranger would be anathema. Yet more and more young people are feeling compelled to reveal their secrets to everyone on the world wide web.

Let me introduce you to PostSecret. PostSecret, is an ongoing Community Mail Art project, created by Frank Warren, in which people mail their secrets anonymously on a homemade postcard. Select secrets are then posted on the PostSecret website, or used for PostSecret’s books or museum exhibits.


The concept of the project was that completely anonymous people decorate a postcard and portray a secret that they had never previously revealed. No restrictions are made on the content of the secret; only that it must be completely truthful and must never have been spoken before.


Entries range from admissions of sexual misconduct and criminal activity to confessions of secret desires, embarrassing habits, hopes and dreams.The secrets are meant to be empowering both to the author and to those who read it.


Now, from sending post cards, people are starting their own online blogs and blogging out confessions and secrets, without revealing their identity of course (some actually would). However, Why do they do it? And what are the private costs of putting up their secrets online?


Because of technology, the world has been made smaller. But the constant use of social networks and online platforms seems to have made us lonelier. It is ironic but it’s something that’s been going on for awhile now. Everyone’s always on their phones, we rather text than have decent conversations.


And I suppose this is the reason why so many people are turning to confessional media platforms like Postsecrets to tell their secrets to. Also, many people uses the computer as a privacy screen. Tell your secrets but no one will know who you are.


Confessional media is slowly on the rise, people are turning to blogs and strangers to post their confessions. It is an outlet for most, because most of us tend to keep our feelings in. This alarming trend is most definitely something for us to think about.


SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Blogging for SEO


The art of blogging has been around for decades, but many businesses are just starting to realize the true impact blogs can have on their search engine marketing and SEO campaigns. The result: Business-related blogs are popping up everywhere, proving to be a very marketable and profitable SEO tool.


Blogs can have the following affects on your Search Engine Optimization campaign:

  • Help your company find its niche
  • Increase the traffic coming to your site
  • Sending your depth of content and page rank soaring
  • Make you a fast friend of the search engine

Every site in the industry could receive a healthy boost in the search engines simply by posting regularly to a company blog. So why haven’t you started one yet?


The strength of your blog lies in its relevant, keyword-rich content and its ability to attract inbound links. Because blog entries are usually written on industry-related topics, the search engine will view your posts as being linked together and classify it as relevant content. Your daily posts on industry news, marketing campaigns, product releases, acquisitions or all-purpose general conversation will all count toward your page count as well as your perceived expertise. While creating your entries, it is very important to keep your keywords in mind. There is no need to pack them awkwardly into your sentences, but a few mentions of your company’s targeted terms will help your organic search engine rankings.


Blogs can do amazing things for page count. Some blog host applications, such as Moveable Type, will generate a unique HTML page for each individual entry. That means one new page for every entry you write, giving you lots of new pages and a big jump in PageRank. This is an excellent way to create pages for search engine optimization in a short amount of time. A blog entry a day may be all you need to send your page count soaring. This will also help your indexing as search engines typically prefer large sites over smaller ones, working under the notion that large sites are more likely to offer expert opinion than smaller ones. Frequent blogging will ensure that your site is spidered more frequently than sites that do not use blogs.


Search engines love blogs for many reasons. First, blogs are usually written in a simple format making them exceedingly easy for spiders to work through. There is no Flash or JavaScript standing in the way. The page code is often very clean, text rich HTML. Secondly, blogs give search engines exactly what they want – original content written in a natural way. What could be better? Search engines love blogs so much that many, including Google, have their own blog search which allows readers to search for information found specifically on blogs. Without a blog, you don’t even stand a chance of showing up on that search. Can you afford that?


Something new for our blogs

To embed a YouTube in a post

Simply grab the YouTube URL and paste it into a blank line of your post. WordPress will automatically read it as a video to be embedded and size it appropriately for you.

Just make sure that the URL you choose looks similar to the one below. Delete any ampersands and whatever follows them.


To specify the height and width of your video, you’ll need to surround that URL with embed tags, as shown in the video.

To embed other types of videos in your posts

  • Vimeo works the same way as YouTube above
  • Check out the related menu on this page for a list of instructions for embedding videos from many different sites


Design Fiction

What do we understand about Design Fiction?

Design Fiction uses fictional scenarios to envision and explain possible futures for design. Sterling spoke about Design Fiction and emphasized that the key term in Design Fiction is neither Design, nor Fiction:  it is diegesis.  His current definition of Design Fiction is that it is “the deliberate use of diegetic  prototypes to suspend disbelief about change.”  Diegesis invokes terminology from film studies to refer to “things which are inside the word of the fiction”.

For example: diegetic music in a film would be a song playing on a radio in a scene; non-diegetic music would be underscoring that the audience hears, but which isn’t present in the narrative world.  When Sterling references diegetic prototypes he is invoking a concept by film scholar David Kirby that has also been referenced by Julian Bleecker.

Kirby on the other hand uses the term diegetic prototypes to “account for the ways in which cinematic depictions of future technologies demonstrate to large public audiences a technology’s need, viability and benevolence”.  This is a central aspect of design fiction:  it uses a fictional frame to make an argument about a potential future by demonstrating that future in a context that a large public audience can understand.

A common example of design fiction that many people understand is the gestural interfaces in the Spielberg Film Minority Report.  Gestural interfaces had been around and viable for years but there was no narrative to drive their use. The film gave the public a concrete narrative of gestural interaction that was compelling and memorable.

A design fiction has to imagine a culture of use for a technology or design that has implications for how it is executed and built.  Using fiction to frame design also affords the consideration of the values, meanings, and implications of the design from an ethical and political standpoint, often highlighting social elements of a design’s use and potential misuse.




Vlogging, short for Video Blogging, is blogging through the medium of video. A blog is any web page updated on a regular basis with discrete entries, often delivered to a viewer who has subscribed to the blog and reads it using a third-party interface, or RSS aggregator, rather than visiting the website directly.

The first known videoblog entry was on November 27, 2000. Although the early 2000s were marked by attempts to create videoblogs, vlogging didn’t truly emerge until 2004, when small communities of vloggers began to pop up and big media started to notice vlogging.

Vlogging is still small today, but online video is starting to take off, with websites like Google Video and YouTube offering free storage space. Vlogging isn’t necessarily an action video. It is a blogger who is using video to get his or her message across instead of the standard written blog. The blogger is actually speaking his message on a video rather than having followers read it. That way, his or her readers can see body language and facial expressions that make the encounter more real and personal.