stormless skies – week 11

hello. week 11 here. i’m here to make you freak out and have a melt down.

yes! the dreaded week 11 is here. the week where we all realise how much stuff we have to do and how little we’ve done to prepare ourselves for it. the major k-film is almost due and we need to start filming. i’ve done a couple for it already. and they were actually really fun. it’s like being a child again, getting to dress up in costumes and pretend to be a super hero. or be thinking up different types of superpowers that i can film. or trying to force my dog into a superman cape and make him run around the back yard (he wasn’t very happy with me for that). and the other members in my group got some good videos too. my only issue with our videos is that they’re not all cohesive. you can tell they were made by different people. they don’t all flow great. especially compared to some of the other groups videos that we saw.

i mean, our clips are good, and i think they really suit our film. they just don’t seem very…… professional. i’m not sure. the others are really fancy. but in a way, our slightly more disjointed kind of film style works. because our idea with the clips was to film them with iPhones. they weren’t meant to all be perfect but rather be kind of “on the spot” kind of footage, as if you were seeing a superhero saving someone or doing something incredible out on the street and you quickly pulled out your phone to film it. so in that sense, that is the kind of film we have. and that style does work. its just whether or not our films will look cohesive enough once we put them all together. but that’s what trial and error is for. this week we’ll each be taking more videos and start putting them together into the proper korsakow file. maybe if we work on them together rather than individually then it could work even better than what we have already. let’s hope so!

superwho? – week 10

now that we are well underway into working on our major k-films,we’ve started setting ourselves weekly goals. so for my weekly discussion of my attempt of the constraint i will be discussing my attempts at our weekly goals. this week, each member of our group had to go out and film 5 of our 60 clips for the major film. just so that we can start to get a hang of things and understand what it really is that we’ll be making.

our idea is reality vs. fabrication. will people be able to tell the difference between which clips are real and which have been edited? probably. but hopefully not. and that’s what this week is for. for us to get an idea of what we’re gonna shoot and practice shooting it. we have three distinct categories of filming style

1. real –  this is the basic level of clips. stuff that implies a super hero. or kids pretending to have superpowers. pretty much it’s just things in every day life that may have something to do with super heroes or super powers.

2. fabricated – this is where the rehearsals and the editing starts to come in. each of these clips will be fabricated, i.e edited. these will be done to show things that could never really happen, happening. even something as simple as someone disappearing by cutting the film and continuing  it after the person has left the frame.

3. magic – this is the most important section, where we are blurring the lines between reality and fabrication. we want the viewer to be questioning whether or not what they’re seeing is real in these clips. magic tricks or science tricks, slight of hand or clever camera placement. this section will require the most thought and set up but could also contain the best clips if we get them done right.

my task this week is to practice with different types of editing of clips as well as get some of the real ones out of the way. we want a broad spread of videos that show different things but still all link together. at first i was just thinking about trying to edit these while filming or on my phone. but having started to film and actually think about them, i’ve realised that it may be much simply and also more effective to upload any videos i take and put them into the computer and edit them there where i will have a far greater amount of tools to use to make these the best that they can be.

hopefully they come out well.

i’m super, thanks for asking – week 9

i really hope you know what movie that quote in the title is from. no? ok, i posted the link below just to help you out. but only this once. don’t let this happen again.

we’ve started work on our major k-film now and our theme is superpowers. well. we’ve got like 3 themes. kinda. so this is where i really wanna try and sort through them, sort them out and organise them.

1. superpowers

2. heroes vs. villains

3. real vs. fabrication (with a little bit of magic thrown in there too)

so, here’s our main idea/prompt: Is there a definitive line between authentic reality and fabricated reality?

but so much else comes under that that we want to explore. the main way that we are exploring this prompt/idea is through the use of superpowers and then within that, heroes and villains. so it’s kinda like a 3-fold idea, using two of those as methods to communicate our overarching theme. we want to use varying levels of “superpowers” but show them in ways that will make the audience question whether it is real or we have used effects. primarily we are asking what is real? how can you tell what is real from what is fabricated? some things will be obviously real and some obviously fake but the point  is that the line in the middle will become lost, especially once we bring magic into the mix which is a true blend of reality and fabrication that exists in our world today.

the whole point of our film is to take the viewers through a journey using the unique nature of the k-film where they can explore the different sides of the superpowers and try to decide for themselves what is real and what isn’t. having them put into the korsakow style means that the viewer will create their own story from the clips too, they can interpret it how they want, if they just want to see heroes fighting villains then they will but they can also explore what is behind each clip, how it has been made. because k-films force viewers to think about how the film has been constructed in such a certain manner so this plays on that by asking not only how is the film constructed to give meaning but also how are each of the individual clips constructed.

some ideas of clips that we have:

First person super hero actions (edited in post)

Elements and remnants of powers (a fire, arrow in tree, spiderweb)

Shakycam footage of stuff in crowds (add screams and stuff in post)

Night scenes of criminals or criminal looking areas

Street performers, magicians.

using special effects on videos, after editing

someone watching a superhero film

cape blowing in the wind

reverse shots, like somebody jumping off a high ledge. but reverse so it looks like they’re jumping up