superwho? – week 10

now that we are well underway into working on our major k-films,we’ve started setting ourselves weekly goals. so for my weekly discussion of my attempt of the constraint i will be discussing my attempts at our weekly goals. this week, each member of our group had to go out and film 5 of our 60 clips for the major film. just so that we can start to get a hang of things and understand what it really is that we’ll be making.

our idea is reality vs. fabrication. will people be able to tell the difference between which clips are real and which have been edited? probably. but hopefully not. and that’s what this week is for. for us to get an idea of what we’re gonna shoot and practice shooting it. we have three distinct categories of filming style

1. real –  this is the basic level of clips. stuff that implies a super hero. or kids pretending to have superpowers. pretty much it’s just things in every day life that may have something to do with super heroes or super powers.

2. fabricated – this is where the rehearsals and the editing starts to come in. each of these clips will be fabricated, i.e edited. these will be done to show things that could never really happen, happening. even something as simple as someone disappearing by cutting the film and continuing  it after the person has left the frame.

3. magic – this is the most important section, where we are blurring the lines between reality and fabrication. we want the viewer to be questioning whether or not what they’re seeing is real in these clips. magic tricks or science tricks, slight of hand or clever camera placement. this section will require the most thought and set up but could also contain the best clips if we get them done right.

my task this week is to practice with different types of editing of clips as well as get some of the real ones out of the way. we want a broad spread of videos that show different things but still all link together. at first i was just thinking about trying to edit these while filming or on my phone. but having started to film and actually think about them, i’ve realised that it may be much simply and also more effective to upload any videos i take and put them into the computer and edit them there where i will have a far greater amount of tools to use to make these the best that they can be.

hopefully they come out well.

no constraints, just one big ‘ole film – week 8

we’re well into the course now and the baby k-films are out of the way. however, this means no more constraints and that was one of my contract thing’s. so instead, i’m going to use this contract spot to discuss our plans and ideas for the major k-film project.

we’ve got a big task coming up. and we have to face it in little groups of three. k-films upon k-films and it’s all interconnecting. 60 clips is a big task. especially if we want them all to look good and mean something. i guess it’ a good thing we had all those previous constraints to prepare us. luckily with this task, we have one overarching idea that we will know from the start, rather than random constraints each week to follow so that should making working on it a whole lot easier and actually allow me (and our group) to properly map out what clips we want, what we want them to mean and most importantly, how we want them to connect. if we don’t plan out our film well, it’ll just be a big mess and all the stuff we’ve done leading up to it, including the mini k-films will have been pointless. i want to create something that will be enjoyable, interesting, but also just a great k-film. i want it to utilise the non-linear fashion of korsakow to provide a unique experience for every viewer.

lets hope this turns out well!