and the k-films roll in – week 7

last week our k-films were due. i got mine in. it was a lot of stress and confusion and frustration but it’s done and out there, ready for the whole internet to enjoy. and i figured, while i was there, i would take a look at some of the other students’, you know, to see how horrible mine is in comparison. and some were really good!! i mean just so fluid and beautiful really. its crazy to think how much meaning and art can go into something which consists of seemingly randomly ordered 6 second videos about seemingly random things. but they really are great.

one of my personal favourites was becs, who’s video can be found here:

all the elements of her k-film really seem to just work well together. it really feels like she knew right from the beginning where she wanted her films to go and what they were going to look like (which is completely the opposite of mine). they all just seem to flow so eel and are similar in their style and content. one of my favourite elements of the film is that the thumbnails or in black and white while the videos themselves are colour. not only does it give the overall interface a really nice feel but it also shows the effect of colour in the videos once they are selected and played. there is just such a strong difference between the black and white still and the colour videos.

one of my favourite videos in the sequence it the keyboard/typing clip. i love the different angles and the contrast between the empty page and keyboard to the clips of the person typing. and the the end frame having the word “end” just feels very powerful, especially in consideration of the text underneath which says “i am not communicating but i am connected”. it makes for a powerful video that have a lot more meaning than my simple videos of apples. the text itself running throughout the entire film is very powerful in relation to the videos with which they are assigned. they seem to contradict the videos while simultaneously complementing them.

all in all, a beautiful, well rounded and interesting k-film


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