Interviews W3


What makes an interview interesting?

– Topic then subject. Always think of the topic first, then what can I cover in the time space, when who can I interview.

– Be sure to speak for the audience. Always interview for the audiences benefit. This will help find an angle and the important topics to cover. Be sure to not speak for the interviewee. No plugs.

– Try and cover upcoming events, and something ‘a bit unique’.

-Important to get someone coming at the topic from ‘sideways’. This means not something too close to the person’s heart. The best interviewee is a competent commentator.

-Think: why bother? What is it that people need to know – why do they need to know it?

One thing that our class is struggling with is scale. It is easy to turn an idea into a features and this was a trap that we are all falling into.

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