Week 5 Reflection

In this week’s tute, we move on to ‘Performance’.

In the French term, ‘miss-en-scene’, performance is one of the important factors which convey cinematic message to viewers.

Robin shown us a succession of footages about acting. I’m too sure about this point, I can feel there is a relationship between camera and characters. In a motion, which is the more dominant role, the character or the camera? does the actor leads the camera, or does the camera technique achieve actor’s performance?

In one of the footages, a woman is arise in a bedroom with two men sleeping beside her. Her performance is very dominant and powerful, although she is only a women with two men in the same room. The actress is the central part of the scene. She leads us to reveal the story that she just slept with two guys and now she hangs around in the room finding something else. The camera has to follow her movement rather than as a simply observational role in the hotel room.

But I think this relationship is not simply but elaborated. This would be an interesting section to research.

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