Working the scene: Media 5_Week 2 Reflection

When we are about to film, at what kind of point we should start?

How do we work in the scene?

In Wednesday’s class, Robins tells us about the order of shot during operating to shoot. As all we has known, most of filmmakers, professionals or amateurs, would see an establishing as the first thing should be done of a scene. Why? What is the reason for that? There are a number of reasons we got after we have discussed in class.

Warm-Up Performers.

Everything should not be hurried. So does filming and acting. Establishing shot could give them space for a warm-up performing. At the beginning of filming, actors are not in their best shape. So we need to give them some time to get into it. Before they starting to perform one or two meters in front the camera, they could turn themselves to the right channel in an establishing shot.

Coverage, another important thing to notice

The main reason to put establishing shot at the top list is because of the coverage. An establishing is able to cover everything of a scene. At the very beginning of your process, you have gotten the thing you want and you do not have worry about what would happen at the next moment. Once you get it, you won’t lose it. Otherwise, you do not make an establishing shot of a scene, you put everything into unsure.  Robin gave a good example that when you have done all the stuffs except for the establishing shot and your actor are dead. How do you establish your scene?


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