Participant Contract Reflection

Semester Participant Contract Final Submission

What did you do well?

What I did well is the insistence. Over the semester, I’ve attended every class.

I complete my participant contract well. I kept writing blog posts every single week, at least 3 blog posts. I try to engage with this class so I’ve done a lot of research about the weekly topic from the lecture or readings.  I film at least one video every week with different content. I’ve finish every week’s required readings. I record the lecture so that I can review it later and understand the idea better.



What have learnt to do better?

I have a good understanding with the difference with non-narrative and narrative. How does the social network operate in the context. List and narrative.

I have done a lot of Korsakow practise doing some creative stuff.

Korsakow, the notion of SNU.

how Korsakow works and How Korsakow different from conventional documentary.

In my blog post I try to bring up a discussion.

What could you have learnt to do better

I should make more research about the Korsakow. Watching other Korsakow projects is good to know

Also the summary idea of the readings or lecture.

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