
Big Data is changing our way to think. Technologies makes data become important. Over the past, we hardly find a thing record our behaviour but technologies now can achieve that. Technology not only makes our life convenient but also are devices to record our day life because modern people interact frequently with these devices, computer, smart-phone etc.

Our information can then be networked in unexpected and unplanned ways. A research project Mappiness operated by the London School of Ecomomics; a free phone app ask you twice a day to rate your level of happiness, relaxation and ‘awakeness’ on a scale of 1-10. Users are asked to take and upload a photo of what’s exactly in front of them so researchers can map photographs of the sites of the feelings of their participating sample at any one time. Therefore, the researchers are able to know the data of the location of respondent phone, time and respondent scores. More importantly, the researcher find out that people are happier in every environment and urban environment.


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