
Does the design of the interface force the users attention to follow certain lines of focus as opposed to others?

Interface shift the relationship between audience and narrative. You are bale to tell your story by designing the interface. On your interface, you can indicate sort of relation of your content in the project.

In Korsakow, you can use many thumbnails, texts and images consisting of your interface. The point is how you are going to make the database visible and draw the information to audience.

If a shot’s meaning can be changed why create lives when and if the film maker specifically linked the clips together?

In conventional videos, you could edit your footage on your timeline so you are able to create a narrative to illustrate your flashback. You hardly do a flashback in Korsakow due to the program not having a timeline but fragmentary videos on an interface

Ending is kind of the fundamental thing throughout the film. Most time, audiences care about the ending much because a conclusion affects the entire things. How it ends is a reflection of the whole project.

Should sound be used differently in a Korsakow project than in a linear film?

Korsakow is different from all of linear narrative film, it is a fusion of different elements. It is complex meanwhile  it also provides more space for our creativity.Sound is not necessary to synchronise with images as conventional movie does.   Perhaps, doing a non-sync sound can be a hit in Korsakow because it could be amazing.

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