
Hellu everyone!

It’s Joanna Danielle here, I’m a first year Media student and I am a larva, basically.

Well as u would have guessed, I’m really just a pile of weirdness. I’m probably the most indecisive human being you can find on the planet as I stare at innocent menus in restaurants like I’m about to pin a hole into it :’) (sorry not sorry)

But anyways, I’m an IBC which stands for Indonesian born… well you guessed it, Chinese. Basically my ancestors were from China but i don’t even speak Chinese much, sighs. And um I’m the eldest with one amazingly annoying (ha) brother and an extremely uncool sister, which makes me pure awesome. IM JK GUYS I LUV EM. My parents are super supportive and I can’t be grateful enough, LOVE Y’ALL.

So, as this is starting to look more and more like a personal diary, just letting ya’ll know that I kinda love expressing myself (or at least trying to)  so I actually have another blog which y’all can check out HERE and also I just started Youtube!! (it’s still super rookie but check it out anyways)

all my other social media accounts:

instagram | facebook | twitter

Just fyi, I use Instagram the most ;D

