The key learning and conceptual elements we discussed this week was all in relation to the final touch perimeters, that ACMI require and are asking us to abide by, in attempts to get organised and ready to prepare and handing in our final cuts for Assignment #4.

The main media making elements we discussed were what these perimeters were, and how we should execute them. The first perimeter is that we are to keep it to 2:30mins. This is a bit of an issue for us, and the tightest we could get it to is around the 2:50 mark. We are discussing ways we may be able to tackle this issue now. The second, and most important perimeter, is to ensure we are downloading and using the correct title fonts, and new ACMI logo that should be used in the final cut. Because this is a public blog, and these fonts/logos are currently confidential, I cannot name them here. We were given these fonts/logos to use via email and CANVAS portal from Cat and Field, along with a PDF briefing us on how we should use these titles from ACMI, and instructions on how to use them from Cat.

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