Presenting the Roots – Practical 11

Our project brief 4 is starting to transition from the research to the creation phase and we are trying to organise our omniscient thesis or main question that we are hoping to answer. Extensive readings have provided us with a lot of information over a variety of topics and we are working on narrowing it down into two main areas each (six in total). Still subject to change, we are starting with:

  1. Music
  2. Language
  3. Violence
  4. Gender
  5. Health and
  6. Environment

Our aim is to unpack each of these topics and their history in mainstream and alternative media. Through this we will discuss the interaction with audience and the influence on society. Ultimately, we will conclude that in combination media has provided us with the idea of not only what is social norm, but promotes an idea of “the perfect human”. Drawing from this I feel that the thesis will involved some or all of these questions. “Through analysing content what values and ideas do we find portrayed in media? What changes happen to society as a result of the interaction between audiences and producers? From a comparison and study of media content and social action can we deduce the effects media interaction has with personal values.

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