Finally Featured. Or Fully Toasted.

Georgia was fantastic and went and got an interview with Nick from Crompton Coffee but unfortunately when she came back with the zoom she’d made the easy mistake not to press the record button twice and didn’t get any audio at all. So unfortunately she had to go back 2 days later and re-do the interview which set us back a couple of days. But in the scheme of things it wasn’t too bad.

I’d finished the vox-pops but I decided to use my new found skills in FMOD and make a mix of people saying the word toast. I was glad for this because I hadn’t thought about doing it before.

Georgia managed to get another interview with Nick which still turned out well but apparently not as good as the original interview was.

We met up and stayed in the edit suites for ages working on our piece.

I was slightly disappointed as it didn’t turn out to be as analytical and indepth as I had orginally hoped. I loved parts of it and it was great fun to do. I really liked the toaster popping noises and the biting toast sound effects. We managed to cut it all together quite well and overall, I am happy with the final product. Even though, it wasn’t what I originally imagined it to be I thoroughly enjoyed making it.

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