Know when to ‘socialise’ and when to keep quiet.

Continuing on from Tailah’s blog about public relations companies treating their social media channels as a flip-of-the-coin advertorial tool, I am predicting that there will be a few more fuck ups to come.

Tailah noted that the exploitation of public holidays specifically with a memorial or reflective purpose behind is an “off limits” for social media advantage.

There are corporations that tend to stay away from social media with good reason but in doing this they are giving off the impression that they are not transparent and have something to hide.




The company that proudly flies the American flag, is part of the capitalist market that has moved into spreading democracy and profits from war. Their former CEO and US vice-president Dick Cheney has constantly come under scrutiny and suspicion for his personal encouragement of involving the company in the Iraq war.




British Petroleum tens to shy away from social media in fear that something might ‘leak’.

Since the 2010 oils spill in the Gulf of Mexico where 200 million gallons of crude oil leaked into the sea, BP have gone about their advertising and marketing on the down-low.

It not only damaged the wildlife, residents, agriculture and coastline, it damaged itself. With $US40 Billion owed in fines and manslaughter charges for 11 employees, it has taken one of the biggest hits a company who’s product is tangible, that  has ever taken.


These are clear examples of why some companies should stay off social media, because it really does them no good at all.


– James



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