Reflections on a week past, and a new blogging idea

First off I’d like to say I’m a bit bummed I missed out on the symposium last week where some of the discussion was based around hypertext narratives and video games. I had just returned from a 4 day trip to Sydney where I was doing some work attachment with Oceanic eSports (check out the photo album from the weekend here) so Tuesday was a bit of a write off since I was required to upload media etcetera etcetera. I always have something to say about games as a medium though so despite missing out I’ll be sure to have something about video games up soon. Before that thought, I had an idea that stemmed from my newfound distaste for the traditional blog… Continue reading

Quick note slash reflection on blogging

So far I am absolutely adoring the blogging platform – particularly as one for education – and I’m definitely enjoying the course so far as well. What I’m quickly finding though is that I still have trouble identifying what I want to write about, if anything at all.

Not because I don’t know anything mind you, I’m still in the habit of not writing things down. As somebody who thinks a whoooooooole lot at an incredibly fast pace (I have trouble keeping up with my own mind sometimes!) it’s a challenge in itself to go, “Oh that’s a good idea, I’ll write about that!”.

At that though I have managed to write posts I am quite proud of and already I feel I’m better at curating and articulating singular ideas within the constraints of a primarily text format.

For some future blog posts I’d love to experiment with more creative pieces – perhals short stories – as I’m far too comfortable writing on the fly and I’ve scarcely ever composed anything, rather creating and publishing it in real time.

On a final note I firmly believe in this whole blogging thing in the course. So far it’s bred a more contextual way of thinking which is far more brilliant than simply remembering and regurgitating information for the sake of criteria.