Current project update: Shoot

Yesterday was the film shoot for ‘remnants’ (i still have to think of a better name for this…).  I began the day at 10am, bringing over equipment and setting up, and started shooting at about 11am. I was careful with all my set ups, my camera settings, everything i could think of. I even put the tripod on the big conference table more than once, thank god i didn’t scratch it. (In retrospect, if I had another camera that would’ve been a really interesting shot, me setting up the tripod on the table, looking down at the piece…) I think it all went smoothly. There were people coming in and out of my room, which i guess had been decided as the communal meeting place. I worked around this as best i could though, and it made for a less long and lonely shoot. I was very aware of my shots throughout the day so i don’t think anybody got in the back of any of them that i don’t know of. The shoot finished at about 4:30, but the collage remains at uni so if after looking at the footage i decide i need to collect more shots, i can.

I am keen to look through all the footage and put it onto the server, which i will probably do on Thursday. One thing i think i may need to do is get a H4n and gather some really clean sounds of paper wrinkling, being handled, cutting, glueing, scraping, ripping, etc. Maybe it came up well on camera, I will have to see, but I want the sounds to be really prominent and fill out the piece as I don’t really like the idea of music. I just don’t think it works with the space i am trying to represent which is old, timeless, quiet, empty, ghostly, etc. Something unexpected was because of how the glue dried on the paper, the large images were crinkled and curled. This was visible on camera and some of the crinkles reflected the light because of the glossy paper, but i honestly didn’t really mind. I liked how it added to the texture of the image and the sounds of the paper were more crisp and interesting. Hopefully the images still read well on the footage, but I liked the textured effect it gave, as opposed to if the images were just flat and pristine.

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