Constraint 04

Relations. Literal ones this time. Things gain meaning for us because we place them in relation with each other, via us. When we do this what the thing is in itself becomes almost secondary to the ‘force’ of the relation. For example that bench out my window is a seat which has a particular relation to my body. When I sit on it I am aware that it is timber, made from a log, but it’s ‘woodenness’ or ‘timberness’ is not really what matters to me about the bench so much as its ‘benchness’. What it is in itself (wood, grain, cellulose, once a tree trunk, something living, food for termites and other insects) is reduced because it is placed and so understood in relations by and via me (my bench, a rustic bench, furniture, garden decoration).

The tasks this week invite you to think about yourself in regards to relations. What relations form you?

  • make a six to ten second clip that is about your immediate family (your immediate relations) – however, you cannot show anyone’s face
  • make a six to ten second clip that shows objects or things that you have that define you
  • make a six to ten second clip that shows a parts of a place or places that define you
  • in each clip you should only show the parts of things, not wholes


  • each clip should be six to ten seconds in length (if you use Vine they will be six)
  • editing can be done in camera, or after
  • the video needs to be published into your blog (you can use vimeo,, or embed them yourselves)
  • there should be one video clip per blog post
  • the source media needs to be available as H.264 video