In the beginning of the semester,  I had a couple of goals and expectations set:

– To challenge myself do something I’ve never done before in Film 1.
– To take away at least one lesson that is valuable for me from the course.
– To contribute more to the team compared to Film 1.

– To have a professional but enjoyable process throughout the entire project
– To observe and learn from other team members
– To have little to no drama within the production team.

In hindsight, I’d say that I had some hit and miss throughout the semester. My first goal was to challenge myself to do something different this semester, but I stuck to doing something that I’m comfortable with which was being the sound manager; a role I took up last semester as well. I did not achieve the main point of this goal, but at the same time I did take a secondary role as the assistant editor and I felt that was a good exposure to me as I learned a lot of new editing techniques from my fellow groupmate and chief editor Bryan to add on the the existing ones that I already knew.

I also managed to contribute much more than I did to my team compared to in Film 1. I put more effort into designing the sound for the entire film and looked high and wide for great royalty-free music to help enhance my team’s film. I also put more time aside to work on the editing on the film with Bryan, I felt that with both of our minds together we pieced the film together much more effectively. Overall, I am very satisfied with how I improved in this area this entire semester.

In terms of my expectations, I am happy to say that I have met all of them. My team was fairly professional in terms of our role distribution and how conduct ourselves during the production process, but at the same time we all had tons of fun during the entire thing. We’re near the end of the journey now and it feels pretty sad to me because all of us have become close friends throughout the entire semester and half of us are graduating. This was by far the most enjoyable group I have ever worked with, and we still manage to get things done effectively amidst all the silly pranks and laughters.

By working closely with Bryan, as mentioned above I managed to learn a lot of things from him, which met my second expectation. While the post-production process was where I learned the most from my other team members, I managed pickup a few lesson during the production stage as well by observing how my team members work. Overall I think it was a fruitful learning process for all of us as we learned a lot of things from each other.

One thing that I was really glad about this semester was there was little to no tension among all of us during the entire process. We communicated very well and were very patient with each other, all of us didn’t mind standing in for each other when one of us couldnt make it or was having difficulties. We had very good teamwork and I was very happy with how our group turned out to be.

Lastly, the most valuable thing that I took away from this entire semester was that while it is important to be as professional as you can during projects like this, we should look to enjoy ourselves and form friendships and bonds at the same time too. I cannot imagine how this entire project would have been if we merely wanted to get things done and over with and did not bother to bond with one another, because the entire process was so enjoyable and we had almost no stress at all approaching this assignment. It didnt feel dreadful or tiring to me each time we met up as a group, and we met a LOT of times this semester. This leads to us being highly productive and increased the quality of our work. The lesson here is while the results is important, friendships adds even more quality to not just the end results, but to the entire journey as well.


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