© 2013 henrygosper

Away on a ‘trip’

So I haven’t been posting for a while, somewhat recently due to the new release of GTAV – but more so my recent in n’ out trips to the hospital. A few weeks ago I shattered my hand breaking my knuckle and taking it off the finger bone. Surgeries, hand therapies and never ending days that saw me melting into my bed on the medication I was taking.

I had a lot of time to ponder on my next few weeks coming up, and my plans for next year. I admit the time was not spent on uni work, however i’m not sure there would be much to make sense of..I have continued to work for white tree, whilst also been lucky enough to attend some film festivals that i have had films selected in and even won to my suprise. Bayside film festival was one of the festivals I was lucky enough to win a prize in and the reception following the film was amazing.

The next few weeks are going to be full on and very busy, a lot of work to catch up on but hopefully after the last few weeks of not being at uni I will have lots to write about to stay tuned

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