The clip of the vacant London in 28 Days Later (2002) is quite typical. It demonstrates the abnormal condition of the city clearly.

The street was empty and in a mess. Rather than showing a quiet street at night, showing an empty and messy place during the daytime is more likely to demonstrate the unusual.

This clip includes a series of wide shot of London, introducing the strange situation to audiences. I quite like the high angle shots in this clip, as the second image shown, this angle is like a god’s eye view. We can see both the character and the surrounding environment. The fallen bus plays an key role in this shot.

Instead of showing the zombie straightly, introducing the background can pave the way for the later development, which can creates a spooky atmosphere.

Since I don’t have a car, (even if I had, I won’t push it down) I’m thinking using a trolley instead. A shot of fallen trolley on the ground. Because the trolley is not as large as the car, a high angle wide shot may not suit it. I can choose a close shot instead.