I’m Back In

For the past month Perth was 20 degrees C even in its winter. It was homey, it was fresh, it was fun. Perth was nice. And now back to Melbourne, with its almost-everyday-cloudy gloomy weather during the winter.

First day of Creative Advertising lecture on monday was quite chill. Thank God it was just one hour. But the following days of this week have left me dozed off thanks to the wonderful pain of chills given from the winter’s temperature and the wind. Well hang on, this will totally help; knowing that assignments are starting to be due the following week. So like it or not I’ll have to stay awake. Okay I’m exaggerating too much here and on the bright side, we are going on an excursion to the National Gallery of Victoria this thursday for our On The Frame studio. At least that’s what making me excited at the start of this semester. Furthermore, meeting past colleagues from the last semester as well as new mates gave me a boost this first week.