I took this and seagulls attacked me. I felt like I was in Hitchcock’s ‘The Birds’.
Most applications reserve keyboard shortcuts for the functions that you use most often. It is really good to learn all of these as it will speed up your editing and additionally alert you to functions that the software developers and other users find important. (You can learn much about the software by looking at keyboard shortcuts).
Find the keyboard shortcuts for Premiere (hint, film-tv blog) and note four or more functions that you’ve never used before and why they may be invaluable to your editing. (Different functions from what you wrote last semester)
Opt+Cmd+V: Paste attributes. I can’t believe I didn’t even think of searching for this shortcut. This will save so much time. This will be invaluable with editing our doco, especially in terms of the colour correction of various clips.
] and [ : Increase and decrease clip volume respectively. Handy in the sound-editing and sound-mixing part of the post-production process in allowing for rapid/quick-fix volume levels.
Shift+Cmd+/: Duplicate. Handy for instant duplication of audio or video clips. Can retain the original while editing the duplicate.
Cmd + M: Export media. Just in case we’re rushing to get our documentary exported for timely submission! (Need to know the tricks of the trade.)