Networked Media Week 11 Photo

1. How did you author (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
For this week, I wanted to break away a bit from my chosen design objects. This week I decided to focus on an object with a hidden design flaw with the photo showing the aesthetic look of the object but the video showing the defect. This object was my chest of drawers. Using my rear-facing camera on my iPhone 7, I found it wasn’t easy at first to position myself to get the photo looking how I wanted. Admittedly I kept a lot of junk on top of my drawers and didn’t want this to be seen in the picture. I didn’t want to use any film equipment like tripods to steady the camera, so it wasn’t easy keeping the phone at an angle I was satisfied with and showed what I wanted. I had the light over the drawers on to provide more lighting onto the scene and kept the flash off. I also wanted to make sure the hidden flaw on the drawers was visible in the image so to help tie it into the video. I used the Paris filter again when taking the photo as I can’t stand the grain effect my camera gives in the lighting of my room. The Paris filter hides that thankfully so I’m not surprised how essential filters are to the app. Since the chest of drawers is wooden furniture, I decided that I wanted to appeal to the warmer aesthetic tones associated with this kind of furniture and thus chose the Valencia filter for it, increasing the brightness and saturation lightly to give that effect.

2. How did you publish (the photo or video) you recorded for upload to Instagram?
Admittedly when I first captured the photo using the Instagram camera, I accidentally published the photo to my Instagram story without any filters. I deleted the photo from my story and retaking it. A funny mishap from me getting impatient when trying to take and save the photo. I also realized that my captioning in my previous posts contained a problem in regards to attracting viewers. While I posed questions and answers in my posts, I did not indicate either of my posts that the other exists decreasing my chances of others viewing them. While I can alter my posts to fix this, I decided against this as it does show my progress growing as I create content on the app. I did, however, choose to change this for this post, instead captioning it ‘These drawers appear fine, but they hide a flaw. Check the next post to find out what!’ This way, viewers are encouraged to see the next post and discover this hidden flaw. Technically yes, this is clickbait, but I’m starting to see how if you want your published work to be visible, you need to get out there and be in the face of other viewers.

3. How did you distribute (the photo or video) you published on Instagram to other social media services?
The photo was published to Instagram as well as the matching Tumblr and twitter accounts. Another thing I noticed with these two different apps is that Tumblr, like Instagram, allows you to edit your content after it’s posted, but Twitter doesn’t. It’s strange to me that some apps provide these features easily and others don’t, but I won’t change my posts because of that. The posts were all tagged with the hashtags’ #storage #design #flaw #chestofdrawers #photo and #photography’. I also turned on geotagging for this week’s photo, pinning it down to my location’ Brighton Beach, Brighton’. I initially didn’t do this out of wanting to keep things like my location hidden. Still, with these photos, it mostly just means when viewers look up that location on Instagram, they are more likely to see my posts. And this does seem to have worked since I also received likes on the photo of this week.

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