During today’s tutorial, each member of the class was to present their self portrait v2 to the rest of the class. Going into the class I felt quite nervous, similar to the first self portrait, to present myself to everyone else, especially because I don’t know these people very well. In terms of revealing myself and putting myself totally out there, I am quite a self conscious person. I wish I didn’t care or worry about what people thought of me, but I do so this was quite a nerve-wracking experience. However, once you get over that stage and just do it, I find that people don’t actually really care and don’t judge you, it is all actually overthinking.
Category Archives: Week 5
Beach Culture
During the Easter break I was fortunate enough to be able to travel back home to spend it with family and friends. I knew how different life was in both my homes, Noosa and Melbourne, but it wasn’t until I actually went back to Noosa after moving to down here that I realised actually how different the lifestyles of the places really are. They both portray such different things and feelings and can shape you to be such different people. When living in Noosa I was very body conscious and cared very much so how I looked, just because that is how EVERYONE (well a majority) is there. I know that body image, especially in women, is a huge topic always in the media, but I just find it so sad that people in that lifestyle care so much about how you look, and you have to have the ‘perfect’ body or have to be skinny to be a good person. At first glance they literally do not care what you are like as a person they just care about what you look like. Now I must be honest, I was once trapped into this mindset too, but it wasn’t until moving away from that that I realised there is so much more to people and to life. I mean I always knew this, but you do get sucked in to this way of thinking when it is ALL around you. Once I moved away I was able to let loose a little and not care so much about how I looked and not be sucked in to that silly, judgemental and self-damaging mindset that people get into, which I very much think is a huge part of the ‘beach culture’.
project three
In today’s lectorial we discussed our new project – self portrait on somebody else. I find that this project will be quite interesting and very different from the first two projects. The first projects were self portrait’s on ourselves including things and places that conveyed who we are or something we liked. This project has a lot more freedom as it is on someone else, so we are able to include a lot more about them and be a little more experimental as we have to include found footage as well as our own.
I have been thinking about who I will do my project on, and I think I will go with my Mum. I know it is quite cliche or whatever or an obvious pick, but because I live quite far away from her now it has made me appreciate her even more than I ever did and I miss her. She has achieved so much and is so talented so I think it would be very interesting to do something on her. Although she lives in Noosa and I live in Melbourne this has actually come at perfect timing as I am going home for the easter break. Stay tuned….
Self Portrait v2.0
I found that the second self portrait was much more broad and exciting than the first. We were able to put our editing skills to use and really use our creativity through the ways in which we put together all of the forms of media that we recorded. This could be through colour alterations, how the audio worked with the visuals and generally how the media was assembled.
In the second project brief I feel as though I was trying to convey something quite different to my first self portrait. Self Portrait one was conveying more of a spiritual side of myself however, self portrait two has delivered a more practical side. Most of my mediums were gathered in the Williamstown Botanic Gardens which is quite significant in itself as it is where I had my naming ceremony when I was only a year old. Through this media artefact I tried to communicate my roots and how I still have a childish, adventurous side as I wandered through the grounds. As well as this, in the stills I held up flowers from the gardens in place of my own face. Through this action my intention was to show the side of me that is in touch with nature and how much I love being outdoors.
The quick cuts and general fast pace in my self portrait transmits how busy I can be and the overall rushed notion which children display. I feel as though at times throughout the minute video, the fast pace seemed a little too quick which didn’t work as well as I would have liked. However, I think the photographs worked quite well and I also liked the audio that I added. None of the natural sounds from the footage was kept in my self portrait. All of the audio was clips of sound which I recorded and put together to create a new backing track which I fell enhanced my film in many ways.
Overall, I believe that this video portrays a side of me that isn’t always showing but is definitely always there… A very important part of who I am. So here it is: