Double looped excuse me?
The reading about Chris Argyris and his theories on theories was pretty enlightening, although I think whoever wrote it was aiming to make it sound a lot more complex than it was. This is what I took away from the reading:
– Folks need to stop being so scared of error. If they don’t investigate what they don’t know in fear of looking stupid it’s not going to help.
– Question error. Don’t just try to fix it in the safest way possible. Get your hands dirty and see what else can be done or used to improve. You might just find an even more efficient way of doing something!
– The closer the espoused theory is to the the theory-in-use, the better your outcomes will be. It means you’re doing a top job.
– Organised learning shouldn’t focus on where the organisation has to go necessarily but it should highlight what each individual can bring to the table. Self-actualisation I think it’s called. Means that if you feel like you’re contributing well, you’ll feel super.
– The Models. Model I no, Model II…

– Just try shit out, maaaaan.
The other reading was by Adrian Miles titled “Blogs in Media Education”. Crazily enough this guy has the same name as my tutor…
The reading was a very insightful and well thought out overview on the use of blogs from a student AND teacher perspective. What I learnt from this passage:
– Blogs are like public journals or like a folio you’d gather all your stuff in. Much like last semesters journal on blogging is way more accessible.
– Blogging is super accessible! You chuck it up, it stays there, people can see it, your teachers can see it and you can’t forget it at home because the internet is everywhere.
– Your blog, your style. You may not realise it (I definitely didn’t) but a blog is not a personal “gurlz onli” padlocked diary. People will see your shit. So you better make it read good. It better good read so damn awesome. So you’re writing for not only yourself but for others making it a super rad way to discover the way in which you can be creative.
[…] (typeof(addthis_share) == "undefined"){ addthis_share = [];}Edward has a go at trying to read the web page I set about Chris Argyris. It’s directed at […]