Media 6: Week 4 Reflection

During this week our group’s main prerogative was to come up with a seminar theme and title to coincide with the overarching theme of an ‘Epic Journey’. Collectively as a group we seemed to have all followed along the route of thinking of fairytale related ideas. We eventually decided upon ‘The wolf, the crossroads and reaching grandma’s house’.

Unfortunately this didn’t go too smoothly with the steering committee who wanted our title to be shorter and snappier as well as including a mention of documentary.

After class we went through adventure films to see if we could convert their name into a title and we eventually decided upon ‘Fear and Loathing in Documentary’.

We also delegated everyone’s roles; I’m going to be in charge with doing the set, food and overall ambience with Marta. I’m really to be taking upon this role as I’m really interested in pursuing a career in art direction or production design so this is right up my alley.

Now time to start thinking of some ideas.

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