I’ve got the keys

We’ve been asked to use a key image display it in a way that represents what we’re trying to do with our project and that represents the building blocks for going forward. I’m building on the ideas mentioned previously as to the aesthetic, composition and themes of the project.

I’ve chosen a photo I had previously taken at a Bonobo concert at the Forum. This to me is a perfect example of the type of imagery I am trying to make in this project. It represents that moment in time where the crowd can connect with those on stage in a way that makes us forget about specific problems of our lives and escape for a moment. Whilst this is not necessarily an aspect I am trying to capture at the Tote, perhaps it is a reason for a community forming inside its walls; contributing to the continuous attendance of people every week. Whilst this is not something I might necessarily find out going to the site, I am sure that this key image will help me define the visual aspect of the project better than through vague words.

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