Week 7

In today’s studio we worked on our 100 video assignment. I have already completed my 100 videos so today’s class mainly consisted of me organizing my videos on Flickr, appropriately titling each one in order. We paired up and reviewed wheat each student was up to with three prompts.

Example : Rens Ontograph Cats

What do you think it does? (Is doing)
Although in its planning stages, I believe that Ren’s list about cats aims to teach its audience about cats, highlighting fine nuances about their physical facets.

List all the things it means?

Means cats and humans are very different in their genetic makeup. Cats are complex living things with many unique elements.

What else/other things could it be about?

Differences between cats and humans.

What makes a cat a cat.

Adrian gave me the name of a couple of artists so I can explore my topic further. I will be looking to either present my work in a different way e.g. one large video, Korsakov etc.

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