Methodology – Why an Essay, you say?

To me making films as a learning experiment and for educational purposes just doesn’t seem fun anymore.

Doing TAFE for 3 years of constant practical work I just felt in my final semester it would be good to test my skills at writing an essay. I came into this degree for one purpose to get better at my analytical thinking and observation skills. Ive started taking a book to each film I go and see and just write my thoughts as the film is being played and then at the end of the film critiquing it. It gives me a better understanding on how I overall felt and that way I can review my opinions at a later date

I learnt so much during practical work though filming, sound, editing, motion, visual effects, lighting, staging that it has just become very repetitive and I found that going out on my own, to research my own information has given me a chance to explore a topic in more depth.

It is here I hope to help myself in this learning curve and understand my own writing as well as improve on it as well. It’s a big task I’m going here as I have now ended up with 4 final essays to end my university education. In terms of further study, haha I guess this is just mentally preparing myself for thesis writing.

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