We were only a week away from the seminar in week 11, and we were running around like crazy. We had set up frequent meetings outside of class time to work on individual projects such as posters, concepts of the visuals for the seminar, guests and technical bookings. Trello had become obsolete, as Arthur and Vicson preferred to use Facebook as a means of communicating tasks, which seemed to work quite well with everyone. We went out into RMIT and put up posters for our seminar, not realising that we needed prior permission to do so. This was something which I felt I should have researched beforehand, and have learnt for next time. We also began organising the equipment to film the seminar down in the building 9 AV loans office. We were told that we had the same equipment allocated to us that every other group had and that we could not alter the booking for different equipment. This was annoying, because I did not want to use the cameras that were allocated to our group. In hindsight, using DSLRs such as a Canon 5d would have worked better for the type of filming we wanted to do, but we worked with what we had. We then organised pick up dates for the equipment, but I could not help with it due to the fact I did not have a car to drive the equipment around. Aki and Jia Jia volunteered instead.


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