Reflections on this week’s classes

From the first two weeks of classes, I had learned about the basics of recording audio and the basics of framing and composing a shot. The practical exercise of recording audio made me realise that I really know nothing about recording audio. I began to understand just how much depth and complexity there was to recording even basic audio. I also became more aware of deliberate soundscapes after watching a scene from “In the Line of Fire”, where I began to notice how every sound in the scene was exaggerated and carefully considered. It made me begin to think about planning out how the audio, and the style of the audio should be during pre-production. It also made me aware that I should be making a lot of pre-meditated decisions about how I am going to have various audio set-ups during pre-production, and to understand the location that I will be filming at and how to accompany an audio set up for the situation.

I also had a practical exercise with the Sony EX-3. I was not there for the first lesson, so I did not shoot any of the scenes from that class. I was, however, at the second class where we went through the footage that was shot on that day and analysed it. We went through aspects of the footage such as white balance, exposure and composition. I found I learned the most by understand why certain shots were underexposed or overexposed, as that is something that I don’t have a great understanding of. I also found the white balance exercise interesting, as again, I don’t have a strong understanding of how to have a correct white balance, and I thought that it was very helpful to have a practical way to correcting white balance (using a piece of paper or something that is white).

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