Power and the Passion

The power of the passion that one has to pursue something they believe they should be doing is quite strong, and in the reading it is quite interesting to delve into the idea of the passion mindset and the craftsman mindset. 

“Be so good they can’t ignore you” is an interesting mantra laid out by an interesting man in Steve Martin, a comedic genius who definitely would have influenced a few budding comedians by now, but it seems like he was honing his craft for a decent amount of time, brainstorming how he could so much as innovate the monotonous way comedy had become in order to become a major player, which follows the contention that Newport seems to be holding, where in mindlessly following ones passion can only be so beneficial, relying heavily on the application and deep thought given to the passion in question, which does have me thinking where do I stand in this regard? How much deep thought have I really put into this? Here and there I get a few thought bubbles but I feel as if I could definitely be more committed.

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