Method of Working (Part 25)

Following on from the first and second stage planning I have arrived at a different scene coverage for the same script. I originally planned it so that it was the same as my last scene just fixing the recommendations made by my tutor. I did this with my iPhone 5 and edited it together to create a sequence, however I wasn’t happy with it. I was bored of it. I knew the shots that I did last time, and I knew what I had to take out, therefore I created a bland scene that is the same as my previous one. From here I re-hired an SLR camera to experiment with different shots in a different location, however in the same car park. This turned out positively in terms of scene coverage and framing, as it helped me think outside of the box. I scouted the car park and found a setting that is more visually appealing, that had solid objects that could help me with framing. The setting was situated underneath a light which worked well for the scene’s atmospheric outcome. The last mini shoot that I had done were shots with no dynamic features that enhanced the overall scene. With this next shoot I tried harder to take into consideration all of the things my tutor had told me, and also go further into my investigations, which is framing through external composition.

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