Maddie’s Group

The Writer’s Room 


Five writers are given the task to write a pilot episode for a new show. As they get into heated discussions about how to proceed, they each transform into a historical author that inspires them. Chaos ensues as the different authors battle it out to determine which of their ideas is better than the rest. Creating ‘the Writers Room‘ has been a journey; utilising experimentation, inspiration and countless personal research, we were able to create a script that stands out in the meta-comedy genre. This script helped us to write a screenplay that was outside of our collective comfort zone, while also outlining how our daily life, and our lives as scriptwriters, can be used as inspiration to create a strong and powerful script. 


The Writer’s Room


Home By Sundown


At a young age, Elsie played down by the creek with her friend Jamie. When Jamie suddenly stops showing up at the creek, Elsie’s parents convince Elise that she is too old for “imaginary friends”. When she gets older, we see Elsie struggle to distinguish between truth and lies, and the audience takes this journey with her to the bitter end, where Elsie finally learns the grim reality. A film that focuses on realism and psychological hardship, ‘Home by Sundown’ took inspiration from all team member’s personal lives, placing ourselves in the characters’ shoes to create conversations that feel real, meaningful and impactful. ‘Home by Sundown’ highlights the importance of using personal experience to humanize characters.


Home By Sundown Script 


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