A work created by Jeremy, Tillie and Guy


Perspectives (Infinite Lists Final Assignment) focuses on how we as media creators, can create and explore new media artefacts, and experience how they all conjunct with another through the online platform of TikTok so that an infinite list can be manifested. New media mainly focuses on presenting a sea of work which necessarily does not intend to incorporate a beginning, middle or end. Perspectives presents a body of new media artefacts that focuses on the two themes of Relaxation and Adrenaline. We encourage the viewer to interact with our works on TikTok as we give you the freedom to select whichever video you want to watch first. From there, you will be able to select the available hashtags, tagged music, liked videos and followed accounts to explore and create this sense of infinite.


Its process and what we got out of it:



In terms of the process making of this final assignment, my knowledge of listing in general has grown bigger and bigger. The assignment challenged Tillie Guy and I to think on ways that we could explore the infinite aspect of an online platform through the way we express our media artefacts. As a result, we thought about using TikTok as our platform as it provides useful pieces of metadata that enables our viewers to interact with by clicking on them and so forth. This sense of authorship is what we strive for especially in the making of this assignment. Thus, this sense of authorship and freedom is what makes new media artefacts so unique. Moving on, one thing that I’ve learnt about listing as a poetic aspect to new media is the fact that in new media production as such, there is no specific beginning, middle or end. Furthermore, if we were to think of media and the internet as one, it is inevitable that the internet will always continue to grow as things are constantly being added day by day. If we were to think of ways in which new media have no set rules or boundaries, it creates this inevitable sense of the infinite which is all combined into a larger whole.



This assignment helped further my knowledge of what I’ve learnt within this studio regarding modes of listing and new media, by allowing us to further explore through our initial idea/concern.  What I found most useful in regards to what I learnt about / gotten out of this assignment stems from the challenges we faced. Challenges with how we can use new media platforms to explore how we can explode a list into infinite fragments, as well as creating individual non-linear narratives which as a whole create this explode view of a media list. We were able to overcome these challenges/issues by working in a group and addressing the complexity and boundaries of new media and how we can interact with it with media lists.






The production of ‘Perspectives’ really drove home some key concepts from the studio, it gave us the opportunity to apply the concepts of breaking down items and emotional states into original media creations. Our steadfast focus on new media turned out to be very beneficial, as it gave us a clear framework to work within. We workshopped how we could best bring various forms of listing to a newer platform. Deciding on a non-linear format let us break down our lists into fragments and serve a greater whole, which would not necessarily  work in more traditional media formats. This process of creating an original format, along with the creative attention to detail required to break down facets of emotions, are skills I am grateful to have had the opportunity to practice thoroughout  the duration of this studio.




Screen recording of ‘Perspectives’ on TikTok (Link Below)



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