Paragraph Synopsis

Juggling three plates at a time, lifting heavy loads while being lectured on their form, massaging the egos of shoppers as they hold up the checkout line, or even trying to defend from an attack on the health and safety of their workplace, whenever something goes wrong with a customer, these low-wage workers know exactly which two words are lurking behind them; “Excuse Me!”. Like so many cashiers, nurses and other low wage or volunteer workers dealing with always-right, paying customers, they front many such interactions everyday, being asked to cater specifically to increasingly pedantic, sometimes ludicrous demands from people whose word can jeopardise their living if their dish doesn’t arrive next to their silver spoon fast enough. EXCUSE ME! is a short animated documentary showcasing the stories of these workers, and ridiculing the customer-server dynamic that often exposes a window into the entitled, elitist attitudes of those they serve.

Production Credits

Animated and Directed by Angus Green

Featuring the voices of:

Lynda Cuffe

Henry Robinson

Zena Taleb

Max Keith

Animation and Character Design Assistant

William Green


“Giant Steps” by John Coltrane


Created as part of the REAL TO REEL media studio during Semester 1, 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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